The ICRC alumni is the global network of former ICRC employees. Whatever our function and posting was, we keep in touch with former colleagues and friends and live the values of the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, as our watchwords reflect: keep in touch, live our values. This association is ours. While helping each other and in particular those who quit the ICRC today, we of course support the ICRC

The Association of Former ICRC Delegates (AFD) was founded in 1983. For the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Association, the General Assembly has decided to strengthen the role of the AFD and its network by drawing up a Charter that members of the Association will implement in an informal way. On this occasion it was renamed as ICRC alumni. The ICRC alumni Committee sees to it that the Statutes of the Association are respected and maintains a regular dialogue with the ICRC.

ICRC alumni Executive Committee as per 04.05.2024

Hélène Felix Bancharel (President, Memorial and ICRC-Relations)

Marco Altherr (Vice President and ICRC relations)

Kurt Bünzli (Finance)

Claire Graber (Webmistress and Admin)

Hans Knaus (Fundraising and Membership administration)

Carine Prestat (Mentoring)

Sophie Rossillion (IHL)

All committee members can be reached through:

For questions to the presidency:

Welcome to the ICRC alumni association website