About the association

The goals of the association are:

  1. Maintain and strengthen relations of friendship between the members of the ICRC Alumni.

  2. Promote the humanitarian ideals of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in the public domain.

  3. Provide information and counsel to ICRC staff, prior to and after their missions.

  4. Support the ICRC’s action with means appropriate to the ICRC Alumni.

While some may volunteer for their domestic Red Cross or Red Crescent society with skills they acquired for instance about restoring family links, active listening of people in distress, etc. We are both a global network with members wishing to be in contact from all over the world, as well as local groups meeting regularly for conferences or informal drinks. Officially launched in 1983, it was named “Association of Former Delegates of the ICRC” until recently. The change to ICRC alumni in 2014 reflects an adaptation to the reality of the composition of ICRC staff, around 80% being now recruited internationally, be they delegates, expatriates, local employees, residents or mobile and wherever in the world they live. Join us and become a member of the ICRC alumni or contact us at network@icrc-alumni.org!

Annual membership and payment options

Charter of the ICRC alumni

Statutes of the ICRC alumni